ProfileUpdated on 23 October 2024
GDPR-compliant Images and Videos - Automatic Blurring (Faces, License Plates, ...)
CEO at Celantur GmbH
Blurring objects to protect personal data.
Our solution can be configured to blur several object types, to protect individuals' privacy.
- Faces
- Bodies
- License Plates
- Vehicles
We support nearly all kinds of RGB-imagery, from images to videos.
- Panorama
- Planar
- Videos
Our core technology is object detection using deep convolutional networks (CNN), which in recent years has rapidly evolved from an academic playground to production-ready tools for solving industrial use cases fast and effectively.
We offer Image Anonymization as a Service on our AWS cloud platform. Alternatively, we provide our solution on-premise as a Docker container (Linux and Windows, with offline-capability) or integrated within our customer’s cloud-based systems.
Upselling : Serve your customers with an additional service: Image Blurring.
GDPR-compliance : Comply with data protection laws around the globe, like the GDPR, CCPA, etc.
Resolve Privacy Concerns: Resolve privacy concerns of decision-makers, work councils and employees.
Save Costs: Image anonymization happens fully automated, no manual labor involved.
Less weekend shifts: Map heavily congested areas during work week. Save extra pay for weekend shifts.
Scalable & AI-powered: Get large projects done with ease. Our machine learning models run in the cloud and scale with your needs.
Language Tag
- English
- IT
- EGovernment
Linz, Austria
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