
ProfileUpdated on 11 September 2024

NIR compact multi-spectral sensor platform for material detection and monitoring in industrial applications

Alwin Pichler

General manager at Sensorik Austria GmbH

Lambach, Austria


The new sensor tri²dent („tri-eident“) developed and produced in Austria by Sensorik Austria GmbH is based on an innovative concept: whereas classical photo sensors work in a single wavelength range (e.g. infra-red or red) or monitor the color of an object, and comprehensive spectral analysis is very expensive and often not suited for process control, tri²dent is using up to three different wavelengths simultaneously thus allowing simple spectroscopic analysis with a compact sensor. tri²dent allows the utilization of specific absorption profiles of materials in question, which is an intrinsic material property: Each material has specific absorption bands in the near infrared (NIR) range, this means. its molecules are forced by that specific electromagnetic radiation to vibrate, so absorbing specific light energy. tri²dent is a flexible technology platform that may be easily adjusted to new customer needs: In a preliminary spectral chemo metric analysis the specific absorption profiles of the materials in question are examined and potentially useable wavelengths are identified. According to these results the sensor has to be adapted in terms of optical components and signal processing before starting the first practical tests. With its multispectral NIR-concept tri²dent allows to differentiate materials and substances not according to their (varying) color but due to chemical properties, new applications may be realized.

tri²dent Applications

  • material recognition instead of presence recognition
  • to distinguish different materials
  • the measurement of the concentration of ingredients of transparent or semi-transparent materials
  • moisture measurement, etc.

But tri²dent may not only be used as material sensor in the NIR- range but can also be adjusted for applications in visible or even UV-light, thus enabling e.g. to differentiate between UV marks.

The parametrization of the sensors Is done by means of the intuitive user software, which allows individual modelling. tri²dent may be used with or without fibre optic cable or probe, thus allowing applications also in high temperature and under heavy industrial conditions!

Language Tag

  • English


  • SmartProduction

Product Info


Sensorik Austria GmbH


Lambach, Austria

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