
Klaus Chmelina

R&D Coordinator at Geodata Group

Geodata Group

Vienna, Austria

Surveying engineer, graduated from Vienna University of Technology. PhD on the topic of AI for data analysis. R&D Coordinator at Geodata Group

About me

Surveying engineer, graduated from Vienna University of Technology. PhD on the topic of AI for data analysis.

R&D Coordinator at Geodata Group

My organisation

We at Geodata Group specialize in providing innovative geospatial solutions that empower businesses to make data-driven decisions. Our team combines expertise in engineering geodesy, industrial surveying, geotechnical instrumentation, geophysics and information technology to deliver tailored mapping and monitoring systems and services for various industries, particularly tunnelling, mining and natural disaster management. By leveraging cutting-edge tools and methodologies, we help our clients unlock the full potential of their geographic data. We turn data into information.


  • 3D Monitoring
  • Engineering Geodesy
  • Monitoring System Development


  • R&D

Marketplace (3)

  • Profile

    Echtzeit-Überwachungssystem für sicheres Bauen mit visuellem Reporting und individueller Datenanalyse

    Das KRONOS-Informationssystem unterstützt sicheres Bauen mit ausgefeilten Berichten. Es visualisiert und überwacht kritische Daten mithilfe von benutzerdefinierten Alarmen, um komplexe Echtzeitdaten zu filtern. Es wird weltweit von Baufirmen, Behörden und Subunternehmern eingesetzt, die Überwachung und Datenverwaltung in verschiedenen Infrastrukturprojekten anbieten, die beispielsweise Tunnel, Brücken, Hänge, U-Bahnen, Wasserkraft und Bergbau betreffen.

    • German

    Klaus Chmelina

    R&D Coordinator at Geodata Group at Geodata Group

    Vienna, Austria

  • Profile

    Real-time monitoring system for safe construction with visual reporting and customised data analysis

    The KRONOS information system supports safe construction work with sophisticated reporting. It visualises and monitors critical data by using customised alarms to filter complex real-time data. It is used worldwide by construction companies, public authorities, and subcontractors providing monitoring and data management in varied infrastructure projects dealing e.g. with tunnels, bridges, slopes, metro, hydro-power and mining.

    • English

    Klaus Chmelina

    R&D Coordinator at Geodata Group at Geodata Group

    Vienna, Austria

  • Profile


    ** KRONOS信息系统通过复杂的报告支持安全施工。它通过使用自定义警报过滤复杂的实时数据来可视化和监视关键数据。它在全球范围内被建筑公司,公共机构和分包商使用,在各种基础设施项目中提供监控和数据管理,例如包括隧道,桥梁,斜坡,地铁,水力发电和采矿。KRONOS信息系统**通过提供复杂的报告支持安全施工。它通过使用自定义警报过滤复杂的实时数据来可视化和监视关键数据。它在全球范围内被建筑公司、公共机构和分包商使用,在各种基础设施项目中提供监控和数据管理,例如隧道、桥梁、斜坡、地铁、水力发电和采矿等。

    • Chinese

    Klaus Chmelina

    R&D Coordinator at Geodata Group at Geodata Group

    Vienna, Austria