
Georg Molzer

CEO & Founder

Shadowmap Technologies GmbH

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Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Given the impact the Sun has on all of our lives, indeed is the very basis for it, it is only logical to provide a digital interface to it. We are convinced that using the Sun's power wisely has the potential to solve many of the world's problems in an instant. Which is why Shadowmap’s mission is to help humanity live with the Sun in a more connected and sustainable way – all through an app that is fun, fast and accurate. Shadowmap is a global 3D digital twin with a highly intuitive user interface that visualizes and analyzes solar potential for real estate, solar energy and beyond, integrating heterogeneous 3D data and weather. Scalability is in our company's DNA, as our product works worldwide and is already used by more than 150,000 people per month – and growing. Our solution is a world first in terms of global coverage, platform agnosticism, accessibility and intuitive user experience. We were pioneers when we launched in 2021 and we intend to maintain this position. Leading through our strong product focus and the continuous delivery of new innovative features, our goal is to develop the single best digital interface to the Sun. Our unique selling proposition lies in the proprietary web-based technology that runs on any device and can be integrated into any platform or app, as we demonstrate with integrations into leading real estate platforms and websites worldwide. Most importantly, our app is super easy to use and therefore suitable for the masses: Shadowmap – the Sun for everyone.
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About me

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Shadowmap Technologies GmbH

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    Aufbau der digitalen Schnittstelle der Menschheit zur Sonne und Demokratisierung des Zugangs zu globalen 3D-Bestrahlungsdaten.

    Das Unternehmen Shadowmap Technologies GmbH glaubt an eine Welt, die mithilfe von Sonnenenergie funktioniert: Die Energie der Sonne sinnvoll zu nutzen, hat das Potenzial, viele Probleme der Welt im Handumdrehen zu lösen. Die Shadowmap Technologies GmbH visualisiert und analysiert Sonnenlicht und Schatten in einer interaktiven 3D-Karten-App, die Gebäude, Gelände und Vegetation berücksichtigt – weltweit und jederzeit. Das Ziel der Shadowmap Technologies GmbH ist es, die Menschheit zu inspirieren und ihr zu helfen, zu einer synergetischen Beziehung mit der reichhaltigsten Energiequelle des Sonnensystems zurückzukehren. Die Shadowmap Technologies GmbH bietet einen Mehrwert für Immobilien, Solarenergie, Tourismus und die Menschheit.

    • IT
    • German
    • Energy
    • Building
    • Efficiency
    • Development
    • Sustainable

    Georg Molzer

    CEO & Founder at Shadowmap Technologies GmbH

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    Building mankind's digital interface to the Sun and democratising the access to global 3D insolation data.

    The company Shadowmap Technologies GmbH believes in a world that runs on the Sun: using the Sun's energy wisely has the potential to solve many of the world's problems in an instant. Shadowmap Technologies GmbH visualises and analyses sunlight and shadow in an interactive 3D maps app which considers buildings, terrain and vegetation – globally and anytime. Shadowmap Technologies GmbH's aim is to inspire and aid humanity to return to a synergetic relationship with the most abundant energy source in the solar system. Shadowmap Technologies GmbH provides value to real estate, solar energy, tourism and mankind.

    • IT
    • Energy
    • English
    • Building
    • Efficiency
    • Development
    • Sustainable

    Georg Molzer

    CEO & Founder at Shadowmap Technologies GmbH

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    Shadowmap Technologies GmbH 相信由太阳供能的世界:对太阳能的明智利用可能会在瞬间解决全球诸多问题。Shadowmap Technologies GmbH 采用一个交互式 3D 地图应用程序对阳光和阴影进行可视化分析,该应用程序会时刻在全球范围内对建筑物、地形和植被给与考量。Shadowmap Technologies GmbH 的目标是推动和帮助人类重新与太阳系中最丰富的能源建立协同关系。Shadowmap Technologies GmbH 为房地产、太阳能、旅游业和人类提供价值。

    • IT
    • Energy
    • Chinese
    • Building
    • Efficiency
    • Development
    • Sustainable

    Georg Molzer

    CEO & Founder at Shadowmap Technologies GmbH

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    Die Schnittstelle der Menschheit zur Sonne bauen

    Eine sinnvolle Nutzung der Sonnenenergie kann viele der Probleme auf der Welt lösen. Das Unternehmen Shadowmap visualisiert und analysiert Sonnenlicht und Schatten für Gebäude, Gelände und Vegetation in einer interaktiven 3D-Karten-App. Das Ziel ist die Wiederherstellung einer synergetischen Beziehung mit der reichhaltigsten Energiequelle unseres Sonnensystems.

    • IT
    • German
    • Development
    • Sustainable

    Georg Molzer

    CEO & Founder at Shadowmap Technologies GmbH

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    Building humanity's interface to the Sun

    Using the Sun's energy wisely can solve many of the world's problems. The company Shadowmap visualises & analyses sunlight and shadow for buildings, terrain and vegetation in an interactive 3D map app. The aim is to reestablish a synergistic relationship with the most abundant energy source in the solar system.

    • IT
    • English
    • Development
    • Sustainable

    Georg Molzer

    CEO & Founder at Shadowmap Technologies GmbH

  • Profile


    对太阳能的高效利用能够使全球诸多难题迎刃而解。Shadowmap 公司借助交互式 3D 地图应用程序对建筑物、地形和植被的阳光和阴影进行可视化分析。旨在与太阳系中最丰富的能量源之间重新建立协同关系。

    • IT
    • Chinese
    • Development
    • Sustainable

    Georg Molzer

    CEO & Founder at Shadowmap Technologies GmbH