ProfileUpdated on 14 October 2024
Coating of powder and fine grain particles by magnetron sputtering
To achieve uniform coating of powders and fine grain particles, a special device is used to shake and shock the substrate, this way avoiding caking and lump formation. Depending on the particle size even particles <4 μm can be coated and film thicknesses from 0.1 to 100 nm can be achieved with uniform film thickness distributions.
- Applicable for nearly every shape and size of powder
- Metal and composite coatings
- Easy to handle
- Non-destructive method (for fragile particles like glass microspheres)
- Scalable
A prototype is available at TU Wien. At the moment an amount of up to 1 litre of powder can be coated in a single run, either with pure metal, compound materials (oxides, nitrides etc.) or two different materials at the same time. Further scale up is ongoing. TU Wien is offering test coatings.
TU Wien is looking for Companies in Abrasives, Adhesives, Energy Storage for R&D cooperation and license agreements.
About TU Wien With 4.780 employees and 30.000 students, TU Wien is one of the biggest universities of technology in the center of Europe. TU Wien combines basic and applied research and research-oriented teaching at the highest level. Through their knowledge and their strong relationships, our graduates and scientists contribute to the transfer of knowledge and technologies across society and the economy.
Language Tag
- English
- Material
- SmartProduction
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