
Isabel Grillmayr

More than Metrics GmbH

My organisation




Innsbruck, Austria

Smaply – the cutting-edge software for journey mapping with increased flexibility, customizability, and Journey Management functionality. Smaply is the tool to create customer journey maps and analyze the customer experience, step by step.  In addition to all of the journey mapping basics you expect, Smaply also comes with state-of-the-art journey management functionalities. Build your maps in a flexible and intuitive editor, that makes it easy to cluster steps in stages, expand cards over multiple columns, add text, image, emotions and KPIs to a map, as well as opportunities, pain points and solutions. These are then reflected in the portfolio graph, which helps to keep an overview and prioritize. Metrics and KPIs are visualized besides pain points and opportunities. This supports you to make informed decisions. Smaply’s Journey Management functionalities include granular user roles, comments on cards, and hierarchies to keep track of the progress in your CX strategy. Our ISO 27001:2022 and  SOC2 certifications, as well as our  GDPR compliance help you move quickly through procurement. We can support your IT departments needs by offering SSO and hosting on dedicated instances. To advance your team in the methodology of design thinking, customer experience and more, we include trainings and coaching hours in some plans.  Robust realtime collaboration to conduct workshops remotely, Journey Performance indicator to monitor the health and performance of your maps, and exporting to PDF, are some other benefits you have when using Smaply.
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About me

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More than Metrics GmbH

Marketplace (6)

  • Profile

    Journey-Mapping-Software zur Recherche und Visualisierung von Kundenerfahrungen

    Da sich viele Produkte kaum voneinander unterscheiden, ist der beste Weg in Bezug auf Innovation und Einfachheit, sich über Kundenservice und die bestmögliche Kundenerfahrung zu unterscheiden. Die Technologie hilft Unternehmen und dem öffentlichen Sektor, die Erfahrungen ihrer Kunden oder Benutzer zu erforschen, indem sie Software verwendet, die es einfach macht, an Werkzeugen für die Dienstleistungsgestaltung zusammenzuarbeiten und Feedback zu sammeln. Sie wird zur Erstellung, Verbreitung und Präsentation von Wegkarten, Personas und Stakeholderkarten verwendet.

    • German

    Isabel Grillmayr

    More than Metrics GmbH

  • Profile

    Kombinierte Anwendung und Software-Tool für eine verbesserte Kundenerfahrung mit mobiler Ethnographie

    Die Technologie bietet eine Webanwendung zur Digitalisierung von Daten in eine Kundenreise. Sie kombiniert eine mobile Berichtsanwendung für Kunden mit einer Desktop-Softwarelösung für Forscher in Unternehmen oder im öffentlichen Sektor und ermöglicht ihnen somit die Erfassung reichhaltiger qualitativer Forschungsdaten entlang des gesamten Kundenlebenszyklus.

    • German

    Isabel Grillmayr

    More than Metrics GmbH

  • Profile

    Journey mapping software to research and visualise customer experience

    Since many products hardly differ from one another, the best way in terms of innovation and ease is to differ via customer service and providing the best possible customer experience. The technology helps companies and the public sector to research their customers’ or users’ experience via software that makes it easy to collaborate on service design tools and collect feedback. It is used to create, share and present journey maps, personas and stakeholder maps.

    • English

    Isabel Grillmayr

    More than Metrics GmbH

  • Profile



    • Chinese

    Isabel Grillmayr

    More than Metrics GmbH